We are learning to write an information report.
Success Criteria:
We will plan and then write an information report on a topic of our choice related to bees.
Our report will:
- Be interesting!
- Give information about a topic of our choice related to bees.
- Show a clear link to our planning.
- Start with an opening statement about our topic.
- Have at least 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph will have an opening statement and a
- series of facts related to that statement.
- Include some complex or compound sentence structures.
- Include at least one diagram, photograph, illustration or map to go with the text.
- Finish with a general statement about the topic.
- Use information from at least 3 different sources. This information will be
- written in our own words and we will write down our sources at the end of our report.
What are killer bees? They are a kind of Honey bee but people call them killer bees.
Killer bees they have lots of venom. They have killed over 1000 people
Where are they found?
The Africanized honey bee was first introduced to Brazil in 1956 in an effort to
increase Honey production, but 26 swarms escaped quarantine in 1957. Since
then, the hybrid is spread throughout South America and arrived in North
America in 1985. Hives were Found in south Texas in the United States in 1990.
increase Honey production, but 26 swarms escaped quarantine in 1957. Since
then, the hybrid is spread throughout South America and arrived in North
America in 1985. Hives were Found in south Texas in the United States in 1990.
What do killer bees do? They overrun Africa. They attack in swarms with strength of a
million killer bees they have so much venom that if they sting you your insides would be
on the outside!! They can chase you for miles if you jump in water they will wait for you to resurface.
million killer bees they have so much venom that if they sting you your insides would be
on the outside!! They can chase you for miles if you jump in water they will wait for you to resurface.