Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Camp 2018!

Camp Thank You Letter

This is my thank you letter to one of the parents that came on camp.

20 November 2018      

Dear Kent

Thank you for taking me on camp, I really enjoyed it! I had no clue you were my secret buddy.
I liked the s’mores and finding Brian. Thank you so much.

What was your favourite activity? My favourite was tug of war and I also liked
throwing the Frisbee around.
I really didn't like soccer and I didn't like being away from home for so long. I got really home sick but I got better.

Thank you for cooking food for us and helping me with things.
I also enjoyed the Squawk Squad Activity.  

Ngā mihi
Yours sincerely
Rhys       😛🍦                              

Monday, 26 November 2018

Monday, 5 November 2018

descriptive writing

The mystery of the abandoned city

When I was on a tour of an abandoned city it really creeped me out
It was run down and broke. Also, it reminds me of a prison that was attacked. And it had this ghostly looking vibe to it and very
very quiet. As the golden sun struck the buildings it didn't
look that ghostly looking. It looked like as peaceful as the summer
breeze. And as the sound of birds cheeping filled my ears. The city
didn't look abandoned it looked like it was full of life and peace.
And the trees calming the breeze. And the trees taking over the city.