Wednesday, 11 April 2018

What do you like to do to relax?

Investigate wellbeing at our kura

My question was: What activities do you do to relax?

I want to investigate how people relax in room 7 during their own time.

These are the options the children chose from
Watching tv
Playing outside
Doing exercise
Spending time with friends and family
Spending time with pets
Spending time on devices
Doing hobbies
Hunting and fishing

I collected the data and put the results on a dot plot.

Here is my how I collected the data.

In my survey I found out that lots of people enjoyed
hunting and fishing and other activities.
The least favourite thing was resting. Playing outside,
doing exercise, spending  time with friends and family,
and pets all had the same amount. There are lots of different
things they like to do in room 7 to relax.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Rocky Shore Hermit Crab

Learning Intentions for Science
  • We are learning to understand that all living creatures have a life cycle.

  • We are learning that living creatures have bodies that are designed to help them to live and survive.  

  • We are learning that all living things are designed to live in a particular environment.

  • We are learning to understand how food webs work.

  • We are learning that in an ecosystem all living things and their environment are interconnected.

  • We are learning to understand about the Rocky Shore and the impact, both positive and negative, we can have on this environment.

As part of our rocky shore unit we will also use our literacy skills to read and learn about the rocky shore and to write an information report on a rocky shore creature.

We are learning to write an information report about an animal.
We are learning to use our writing skills across the curriculum.

Thursday, 5 April 2018

the rocky shore

Learning Intentions for Science
  • We are learning to understand that all living creatures have a life cycle.

  • We are learning that living creatures have bodies that are designed to help them to live and survive.  

  • We are learning that all living things are designed to live in a particular environment.

  • We are learning to understand how food webs work.

  • We are learning that in an ecosystem all living things and their environment are interconnected.

  • We are learning to understand about the Rocky Shore and the impact, both positive and negative, we can have on this environment.

As part of our rocky shore unit we will also use our literacy skills to read and learn about the rocky shore and to write an information report on a rocky shore creature.

We are learning to write an information report about an animal.
We are learning to use our writing skills across the curriculum.